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How to do the Hocus Pocus

Free Soccer Training video focused on How to do the Hocus Pocus.  At Online Soccer Academy (OSA) we make BETTER Soccer Players / Football Players through FREE soccer tutorials.  We inspire athletes that if you Believe in it® and back that up with hard work, anything in life is possible. 

This Video Covers:
How to do the Hocus Pocus - Soccer Dribbling Drills - Soccer Dribbling Skills - Soccer Dribbling - Soccer Dribbling Training - Soccer Dribbling Techniques - Dribbling Drills Soccer - Football Trick - Soccer Tricks - Football Tricks - Soccer Moves - Soccer Trick - Football Moves


How to do the Hocus Pocus

The Hocus Pocus is an advanced attacking move usually done from a stand still position; it's not done at full speed. 

Key Points:

1. Plant your plant foot a few inches in front of the ball. 

2. Push the ball forward at an angle with your dominant foot. Don't kick, push the ball.

3. Quickly move your foot to push ball in opposite direction with your laces around your plant foot. Make sure the ball gets past your plant foot before you start the process of the second touch. 

4. Change pace! Accelerate after you do this move!

5. Typically the Hocus Pocus is done in the attacking third from more of a stand still, walking or light jog position. You will not be doing this move running at full speed. 

Equipment Needed: A ball and two cones. 

Exercise Player Can Do: 

Start off practicing the Hocus Pocus technique without the ball. Once comfortable do it with the ball from a stand still. Once you are confident doing it from a stand still set up two cones. Dribble on a walk or light jog from a start cone to a defender cone. Do the Hocus Pocus and accelerate past that defender cone. Repeat until you are tired or you master it! 

What Player Could Be Doing Wrong: 

If you can't get a second touch on the ball because the ball is going to far then you are kicking it with the inside of your foot, not pushing it. Take a lighter touch and push the ball. 

If the ball keeps hitting your plant foot when you take your second touch then you are starting the second part of this move to early. Let the ball get past your plant foot a bit. 

Bonus Tip!

Be confident when you do this move! Don't be surprised when it works! Only do it in the attacking third of the field and if you mess up, so what! Just hustle back on defense and the crowd will applaud you!

This Video Covers:
How to do the Hocus Pocus - Soccer Dribbling Drills - Soccer Dribbling Skills - Soccer Dribbling - Soccer Dribbling Training - Soccer Dribbling Techniques - Dribbling Drills Soccer - Football Trick - Soccer Tricks - Football Tricks - Soccer Moves - Soccer Trick - Football Moves