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La Croqueta - Iniesta's Signature Move

Free Soccer Training video focused on La Croqueta - Iniesta's Signature Move.  At Online Soccer Academy (OSA) we make BETTER Soccer Players / Football Players through FREE soccer tutorials.  We inspire athletes that if you Believe in it® and back that up with hard work, anything in life is possible. 

This Video Covers:
How to do La Croqueta - How to do Iniesta's Signature Soccer Move - Soccer Dribbling Drills - Soccer Dribbling Skills - Soccer Dribbling - Soccer Dribbling Training - Soccer Dribbling Techniques - Dribbling Drills Soccer - Football Trick - Soccer Tricks - Football Tricks - Soccer Moves - Soccer Trick - Football Moves


La Croqueta - Iniesta's Signature Move

Use Ineista's signature move La Croqueta to escape defenders in tight spaces!

Key Points:

Key Point #1 - Push the ball at speed using the inside of your dominant foot across your body towards your non dominant foot. The speed of this push is important. If the ball is moving to slow the defender will have a better chance to win it. 

Remember it's a push, don't kick the ball.

Key Point #2 - Make sure the ball doesn't move forward toward the defender. You want it to move across your body. Keep your toe up when you push the ball and this will help keep better control versus having your toe pointed down. 

Key Point #3 - Pass the ball forward to yourself 2-3 steps ahead of you and past the defender with the inside of your non dominant foot. This touch forward will be more like a pass or kick versus a push like your first touch. 

If there are no other defenders around you then your touch forward can be 3-5 steps. If there are other defenders nearby then take a smaller touch of 1-2 steps.

The reason you take a bigger touch when no defenders are around is so you can run faster towards the ball. Naturally you can run faster without the ball at your feet, then with it. Plus now you can get your eyes up the field versus staring down at the ball.

Key Point #4 - Change pace! No matter what move you do the most important thing to do afterwards is change pace. The La Croqueta is typically done at a medium to slow running pace, but once the move has been executed be all Iniesta like and accelerate to escape your defender. 

Equipment Needed: You will need a ball and 4 cones for this exercise. 

Exercise Player Can Do:

We will set up this exercise in 3 parts. 

Part 1 - Practice doing the La Croqueta without the ball from a stand still to get your body use to how it will feel. 

Part 2 - Now practice with the ball from a stand still. Go slow in the beginning and then as you feel comfortable increase the speed of the move. Do the move, change pace then repeat.

Part 3 - Set up four cones. A start cone and 5 yards ahead of it are two cones about 2-3 steps apart from each other. Then place your end cone about 10 yards up the field.

Dribble by walking slowly up to the cone on your dominant foot side, for me this would be the cone on my right side, do the La Croqueta, don't let the ball hit the cones, then accelerate to the top cone as fast as you can. Light jog back and repeat.

Once you are comfortable from a walk, then start increasing your run up speed up to a medium pace. Repeat until you master it!

What Player Could Be Doing Wrong:

If the defender is winning the ball all the time then you may be to close to the defender. You want to be about a step away from them when you do the move, not right on top of them. 

Keep your speed of the move up too. If the ball is pushed to slow across your body that will give the defender plenty of time to get their foot out and win it. 

Bonus Tip!

Make a play! Once you beat a defender with Iniesta's La Croqueta then make a play. Don't try to dribble 3 more defenders. Get your shot, pass or cross off and make a play. Yes, be confident and take players on but get your teammates involved in the game; don't always try to do everything yourself. It's a team game.

This Video Covers:
How to do La Croqueta - How to do Iniesta's Signature Soccer Move - Soccer Dribbling Drills - Soccer Dribbling Skills - Soccer Dribbling - Soccer Dribbling Training - Soccer Dribbling Techniques - Dribbling Drills Soccer - Football Trick - Soccer Tricks - Football Tricks - Soccer Moves - Soccer Trick - Football Moves