Man On - How to Increase your Speed of Play
Free Soccer Training video focused on Man On - How to Increase your Speed of Play. At Online Soccer Academy (OSA) we make BETTER Soccer Players / Football Players through FREE soccer tutorials. We inspire athletes that if you Believe in it® and back that up with hard work, anything in life is possible.
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Man On - How to Increase your Speed of Play - Soccer Speed of Play Skills- Soccer Speed of Play Drills - Soccer Drills for Kids - Soccer Training Drills - Youth Soccer Drills - Soccer Practice Drills- Drills for Soccer
Man On - How to Increase your Speed of Play
Learn how to increase your speed of play in this soccer training video.
This exercise works on communication and speed of play. You will need a partner for this exercise. If you don't have a partner then use a fence as your partner.
Should you communicate with your teammate when you pass them the ball? Yes! One thing you can say is "Man On". Man on means a defender is coming and that player you are passing to should pass the ball back to you, not turn into the defender that is coming.
Lets say there are thousands of fans in the stands and you can't hear your teammate say "Man on" or they just don't say it all. Then how do you know what to do with ball before you get it? You check your shoulder and look behind you as the ball is coming to you.
When you check your shoulder you are looking for defenders, attackers, space, runs, maybe the goalie is off their line, etc.
Key Points:
1. Angle your Body to see the field
2. Check your Shoulder
3. Receive Pass on Foot Farthest Away from Defender
Equipment Needed: Ball, Partner, two cones
Exercise Player Can Do:
Set up two cones. One for person passing the ball. Second cone about 10 yards away angled forward for the player receiving the pass. Person receiving pass works for 5-7 passes and then switches. After each player has gone, switch cone to other side to use other foot. Repeat as many times as you would like.
What Player Could Be Doing Wrong:
If you are not seeing the field when you check your shoulder you are probably checking your back shoulder, not your forward one. When good enough you will do both. But for now just look over the forward shoulder, so you can see the entire field.
If the ball is popping up on you when you pass it back one touch it is because you are leaning back and hitting under the ball. Lean over the ball and hit more on the upper middle part of the ball and this will help keep it on the ground.
Bonus Tips:
When you check your shoulder don't just look down at the ground when you look behind you, make sure you can see the field.
Watch the best pro players on TV and watch their heads as they move across the field. You will see them checking their shoulders!
This Video Covers:
Man On - How to Increase your Speed of Play - Soccer Speed of Play Skills- Soccer Speed of Play Drills - Soccer Drills for Kids - Soccer Training Drills - Youth Soccer Drills - Soccer Practice Drills- Drills for Soccer