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Filtering by Tag: how to curve a soccer ball

Free Kick Goal by Arsenal's Cazorla - FA Cup

Jared Montz

Santi Cazorla scores a wonderful free kick for Arsenal to start Arsenal's comeback in the FA Cup Final. To find out more about the FA visit: Follow us on Twitter: The FA Cup on Facebook: England on Facebook: FAWSL on Facebook:

Santi Cazorla scored a nice free kick goal in the FA Cup final this weekend.  Arsenal came back to beat Hull 3-2.  

His technique isn't how I teach it in our OSA training video but there are a lot of similarities.  My feeling is always to develop the fundamentals and then add your own unique style.  If it makes sense to add your own style. 

Cazorla doesn't lean back when he shoots and he lands on his shooting foot.  This is more of an advanced style. 

Learn how to bend or curve a soccer ball in this Online Soccer Academy training video. Key Points: 1.) Bottom inside corner to outside top corner 2.) Approach from an angle 3.) Plant foot a little behind the ball 4.)

Practice your bending this week.  Bending or curving a ball is great for scoring free kicks, shooting from distance, crossing and making passes.  

Get the fundamentals right and then try to see how Cazorla's style works for you. 

Have fun!